How Much Money Will Your Business Lose with PG&E’s Blackouts?
devine solar solutions: commercial generators for small business

Late August and fall. I used to love this time of year in northern California. I still love the cool mornings and afternoons of filtered sunlight. The smell of the crush and trucks thundering up and down Highway 29 loaded with containers of grapes. What I hate is the tragedy and loss. This is fire season, and it gets worse every year.

Every business owner is affected

Ask brick and mortar business owners, and they measure fire severity in terms of dollars. When PG&E turns off the power, every business owner with a POS system—which is pretty much everybody–is forced to close its doors. They can’t ring up a package of gum without a way to process the transaction in their computerized systems. So when high winds force PG&E to shut down power to avoid branches rubbing up against the wires, every business owners is effectively shut down.

But it transcends brick and mortar businesses

If you have an e-commerce business with an online store, you’re also affected. When the power goes out, your router powers down. Without a generator to run your e-store, your online sales come to a screeching halt.

Keep in mind that when PG&E shuts down for strong wind events, it doesn’t just switch the power back on when the wind dies down. According to PG&E officials, every inch of power line may have to be inspected before service can be resumed, and that can take days. Amid one peak fire season, with forecasts of 45 mph wind gusts, PG&E announced planned cuts for as many as 800,000 customers– 2.7 million people. This transcends what PG&E calls an “inconvenience”.

This is the new reality; time to invest in a generator

The short-term solution is to invest in a generator because this IS the new normal. And it’s likely that more than once every season PG&E will turn off our power.

Generac generators: Powered by natural gas

Devine Solar Solutions sells Generac generators. They’re high quality, have an excellent reputation and include a warranty. The Generac generator starts and stops automatically. Within seconds of an outage, a Generac generator automatically supplies power directly to a home’s electrical circuit-breaker box.

After utility power returns, the generator shuts itself off and waits for the next outage. Generators can run for as long as there is a fuel supply—generally 24 hours, when they will require fuel (natural gas), an oil check, and other maintenance.

  • Commercial generators. Expect to pay an estimated $15K-20K for a commercial generator, including installation. Prices go up for more robust systems as needed to support larger enterprises.
  • Residential generators. The average installation cost for a residential solar generator is an estimated $10,000-$13,000. Individual factors will influence the final cost. For those with a home-based ecommerce business, a home generator may be enough to keep your business open. Learn more all the other Solar Services in California we offer. 

How much will you lose this year?

When the forecast calls for windy weather, PG&E sends out messaging asking us to prepare for outages that could last several days. How much are you willing to lose? How much did you lose last year or the year before? It adds up.

One more thing: We’re solar experts

PG&E continues to raise its rates at a shocking 9%/year. We’re helping business owners and homeowners get back in control of their utility spend.

Let’s talk about a generator solution for your home or business. Contact Devine Solar Solutions today.
